The Ogre of Oregon: Cesar Barone Gruesome Crimes

The Ogre of Oregon Cesar Barone Gruesome Crimes

From April 1991 to January 1993, a vicious serial killer went on a horrifying crime spree, which included the murder of at least four women in Hillsborough, Portland, Oregon. Some of the victims were strangled, while others were shot execution-style. This depraved individual, Cesar Barone, also had a chilling connection to another infamous criminal: he spent time in prison with serial killer Ted Bundy. Cesar Barone, born Adolf James Rode, would come to be known as the Ogre of Oregon.

Early Life and Troubled Childhood

Cesar Barone was born on December 4, 1960, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, originally named Adolf James Rode. His childhood was chaotic, and he, along with his older brother and sister, were raised by their biological parents until Cesar was three. After his parents divorced, he lived with his father and his girlfriend until he was 12, then with just his father until he was 17.

Barone’s behavioral issues surfaced early on. As a young child, he was caught stealing toys and threatening other kids, eventually leading to his expulsion from kindergarten. His threats included saying he would stab other children and burn their eyes with cigarettes. These violent tendencies were just a glimpse of the horror that would unfold later in his life.

Early Criminal Acts

At the age of 15, Barone broke into the home of an elderly neighbor, Alice Stock, threatening her with a knife and instructing her to undress. When she refused, he fled. This and other criminal acts landed him in a juvenile detention facility. Upon his release, Barone began abusing drugs and alcohol, and his criminal behavior escalated. He was arrested at 17 for burglary and served two years in prison.

After his release in 1979, Barone continued his criminal ways. He attempted to strangle his stepmother and was suspected of murdering Alice Stock, although there wasn’t enough evidence to link him to the crime at the time.

Time in Prison and Connection with Ted Bundy

Barone’s violent tendencies only worsened during his time in prison. After attacking a prison kitchen worker, he was transferred to various correctional facilities. It was at Stark Prison in Florida where he met Ted Bundy, a relationship that Barone would later boast about. His fascination with Bundy only fueled his already twisted mind.

The Serial Murders Begin

In 1987, after changing his name to Cesar Francisco Barone, he married Kathy Scarborough, and the couple moved to Hillsborough, Oregon. Despite holding several jobs, including a brief stint in the U.S. Army, Barone’s criminal behavior persisted.

Read more: The Woodward Corridor Killer: Benjamin Thomas Atkins

In April 1991, the murders began. The first known victim was 61-year-old Margaret Schmidt, whom Barone smothered with a pillow. His second victim was 41-year-old midwife Martha Bryant, shot and assaulted while driving home from work. His brutality continued with the murder of 23-year-old Chandi Woodman, and his final victim, 51-year-old Betty Lou Williams, died of a heart attack during his assault.

Capture and Trial

In February 1993, Barone was arrested after a failed attack on his former landlord, Matilda Gardner. His arrest led to confessions from fellow inmates, disgusted by his bragging about the murders. On November 6, 1995, Barone was found guilty of multiple murders, receiving three death sentences and an additional 89 years for other crimes.

In a cruel twist of fate, Barone was diagnosed with a malignant heart tumor and died in prison on December 24, 2009, at the age of 49.

Cesar Barone’s story is a chilling reminder of how early signs of violent behavior can escalate into horrific crimes. Do you think early intervention in cases of childhood behavioral problems could prevent such tragedies? How can society better address these warning signs?

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