In a shocking turn of events, the capital city of Port-au-Prince has been rocked by a devastating massacre that claimed nearly 200 lives. The violence erupted from a deeply personal and tragic situation involving gang leader Monel Felix, whose son was suffering from a fatal illness.
The Catalyst: A Priest, Voodoo, and Revenge
After consulting a priest who blamed Voodoo for his child’s illness, Felix embarked on a ruthless killing spree. Despite Voodoo being one of Haiti’s official religions, the gang leader sought brutal revenge against those he believed were responsible for his son’s condition.
First Wave of Attacks
- On Friday (Dec 10, 2024) night, Felix’s gang killed at least 60 people in Waf Jeremi
- The attacks continued after the child’s death on Saturday
Targeted Violence
- Older people practicing Voodoo were specifically targeted
- Some homes saw five or six inhabitants killed
- Motorcycle and taxi drivers attempting to save people were also gunned down
A Devastating Escalation of Gang Violence
- At least 5,000 people have died in Haiti this year
- Over 700,000 people have been displaced
- Gang violence has become increasingly uncontrollable
Read More: Serial Killers Of Ohio
Government Paralysis
- Political infighting has crippled effective response
- The police force remains severely underresourced
- Gangs have attacked critical infrastructure, including:
- Police stations
- Prisons
- Hospitals
Ongoing Challenges and International Concerns
- Three US airliners were struck by gunfire at Port-au-Prince airport
- The airport remains closed
- UN experts suggest the actual death toll may be higher than reported
The Uncertain Future
The weekend’s massacre serves as a grim reminder that Haiti’s security crisis is far from resolution. With gangs growing more powerful and the government struggling to maintain control, the nation faces an increasingly dire humanitarian situation.