Who was Jeffrey Dahmer victim Errol Lindsey?

Who was Jeffrey Dahmer victim Errol Lindsey?

Errol Lindsey’s Early Life and Family

Errol Scott Lindsay, born on March 3, 1972, was the youngest of six siblings. Those who knew him described him as an upstanding and generous individual who loved helping others and was quite popular among his friends.

Close Family Bonds

Errol shared a close bond with his family, particularly with his mother, Mildred, and his sister. He worked making plaster figures and, in 1991, lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On April 7, 1991, Errol went out on an errand to get a key cut.

The Fateful Encounter

On his way, he encountered Jeffrey Dahmer. Unlike most of Dahmer’s victims, Errol was heterosexual and had a pregnant girlfriend, so he wasn’t attracted to Dahmer. However, Dahmer managed to charm Errol and invited him to his apartment for a beer. Once Errol entered the apartment, Dahmer drugged him and used power tools to drill a hole in his head. Dahmer then poured hydrochloric acid into the hole, hoping to render Errol in a vegetative state. The method failed, and Errol regained consciousness, complaining of a headache and asking for water. Dahmer drugged him again and, when his plan backfired, strangled Errol to death. After Dahmer’s arrest in July 1991, the police found Errol’s skull in his apartment and identified him through dental records.

Errol Mother Speech:

He wasn’t the type to talk to just anybody. He went to work and then he came home. He was a mama’s boy. He wouldn’t even go out with his friends without calling me to see what I was doing.

Errol Mother

Rita Isbell’s Emotional Statement

Rita Isbell, Errol’s sister, delivered an emotional statement in court in 1992. She expressed her desire to prevent her mother from experiencing such pain again. Rita’s anger culminated in her yelling at Dahmer, calling him Satan, and eventually lunging towards him before being restrained. She later told the Associated Press that her outburst was a reflection of what Errol would have done, emphasizing her recognition of pure evil in Dahmer.

Impact of Netflix’s “Dahmer” Series

In 2022, after Netflix released “Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story,” Rita Isbell spoke about how the court scene brought back all the emotions she felt at the time. She recounted, “When I think of my brother, I think of how he was such a goofball and I think he’s going to appreciate the fact that I’m still standing for him until my last breath. He knows that I’m still here for him. When I saw some of the show, it bothered me, especially when I saw myself. When I saw my name come across the screen and this lady saying verbatim exactly what I said, if I didn’t know any better, I would have thought it was me.”

Errol Lindsey Family’s Reaction

Errol’s cousin, Eric Perry, expressed his frustration on Twitter, criticizing the show for re-traumatizing the family. He questioned the necessity of repeatedly recreating such painful events.

Legacy and Remembrance

Six months after Errol’s tragic death, his daughter, Tatiana, was born. As she grew older, Tatiana learned about her father’s fate through family members and the media. Living in Milwaukee made it hard to avoid stories about Dahmer. Tatiana started seeking information about her father and his death around the age of 11 or 12, gradually piecing together the tragic story.

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